Daytime wetting
Daytime Wetting in Children
Causes, Symptoms & Treatment
Most children will achieve daytime dryness by age 4. However 3-12% of 5-17 year olds will continue to experience ongoing urinary leakage.
There are a number of causes of daytime wetting. Some of these include bladder urgency (also known as overactive bladder), voiding postponement (where a child continues to delay going to the toilet) and incomplete bladder emptying. There may also be medical causes, for example urinary tract infections, particularly in a child who has previously been dry.
Where daytime wetting is associated with bladder urgency (or overactive bladder), the child experiences the sudden, urgent need to empty their bladder. When this occurs, the child may not have time to get themselves to the toilet before the wetting has occurred.
Children may also assume certain postures or movements when they are ‘busting’, such as jiggling (the toilet dance) or crouching down.
Children with bladder urgency will often also experience frequency (needing to visit the toilet often) and have a small bladder capacity.
Daytime wetting is not a sign of laziness of naughtiness.
For children who experience ongoing problems with their daytime bladder control, further assessment and management is required. This is especially important in children who are school age or approaching their first year of school.