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Frequently Asked Questions
Do I need a referral?You do not require a referral to see a physiotherapist. If you have been provided with a letter from a GP or specialist, please bring it along with you on the day of your appointment.
What are your fees?Initial Consultation: $195 Review Consultation: $120
Can I claim my consultation fees through Medicare?If the condition is chronic, you may be eligible for a Chronic Diseases Management Plan, which provides medicare rebates for up to 5 allied health appointments per year. Please discuss your eligibility for this scheme with your GP.
Can I claim my consultation fees through my Private Health insurance?You may receive a private health insurance rebate through your private health fund ‘extras’ cover. Please contact your private health insurance provider for further information regarding the level of rebate.
What will my initial appointment involve?Your initial appointment will involve a thorough assessment and discussion of the child’s presenting continence problems. It is important that we remove the blame for the continence issues from the child and start by setting an achievable goal. We will likely start with education regarding optimising bladder and bowel habits as well as toilet sitting posture. You may be provided with a bowel and bladder chart to complete at home, to assist in gaining a further understanding of your child’s bladder and bowel function. If appropriate, a letter will be provided to the child’s kindergarten/school regarding prompting for toileting or optimising or permitting toileting access.
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